216NG63A HESG441635R1 HESG216877/K Used for analog controller ABB

Digital model: 216NG63A HESG441635R1 HESG216877/K
Manufacturer: ABB
Weight: 1Kg
Shipping weight: 2Kg
Quantity: 8
Warranty:1 year
Imported: Yes
Available for sale: nationwide
Shipping term:DHL / FEDEX/ EMS /UPS/TNT/EMS

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216NG63A fault analysis
1 Pressure bearing analysis of filter capacitor and varistor
According to the schematic diagram of power board in Figure 1:
216NG63A When the UPS output is not grounded, that is, the power supply mode shown in Figure 3, Figure 6 and Figure 7 is adopted.
O1 point in Figure 1 is grounded, which is zero potential. Capacitors F1 and F2 shall withstand 110V voltage, F3 shall withstand 220V voltage, varistors MOV1 and MOV2 shall withstand 110V voltage respectively, and varistors MOV3 shall withstand 220V voltage. This also explains why 110V voltage is measured between L-PE and N-PE when the field system is normal.
When the UPS output is grounded, two grounding power supply methods are adopted, as shown in Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 9 (in accordance with TN-S). As in 4.1, capacitors F1 and F2 shall withstand 110V voltage, F3 220V voltage, varistors MOV1 and MOV2 110V voltage respectively, and varistors MOV3 220V voltage.
When the UPS output is grounded, that is, the power supply mode shown in Figure 2 and Figure 8 (in accordance with TN-S) is adopted.
O1 point in Figure 1 is grounded, which is zero potential. Capacitor F1 will withstand 220V voltage, F2 will withstand 0V voltage, F3 will still withstand 220V voltage, MOV1 will withstand 220V voltage, MOV2 will not withstand voltage, MOV3 will still withstand 220V voltage, capacitors F1 and MOV1 are very easy to burn due to overvoltage.
It can be seen from the above analysis that if the power supply form shown in Figure 2 and Figure 8 (in accordance with TN-S) is adopted, capacitor F1 and varistor MOV1 will be easily burnt. If the power supply mode in Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 9 (TN-S compliant) is adopted, the power board failure in this paper is not easy to occur. Therefore, whether TN-S system is used as the power supply mode is not the key reason for the failure. However, through analysis, it can be preliminarily determined that the grounding conditions of 216NG63A changed during the operation of UPS, resulting in the burning of the components of the rear power board.

Instantaneous power loss phenomenon recorded by 22 # UPS
After further extraction of the original records, we found a phenomenon, that is, the power supply card in SIS powered by 2 # UPS working with 1 # UPS recorded a transient power loss. UPS1 and UPS2 were automatically switched to bypass power supply at that time. The power supply for UPS1 rear stage instrument is burnt out, and the power supply for UPS2 rear stage instrument is normal. The UPS1 and UPS2 outputs are not grounded, meeting the requirements of Figure 1. MOV1 and MOV2 each bear 110V voltage, and MOV3 bear 220V voltage. After UPS1 switches the bypass, the N line of the bypass power supply is grounded. In this way, the power supply mode may be changed from the original Figure 3, 4 and 5 to Figure 2 (three-phase input single-phase output UPS used on site). Therefore, F1 bears 220V voltage, F2 bears 0V voltage, F3 still bears 220V voltage, MOV1 bears 220V voltage, MOV2 does not bear voltage, MOV3 still bears 220V voltage, and MOV1 is burned. The circuit works normally after 2 # UPS is switched.
Therefore, the key to this fault is to carefully recheck and check the wiring of the bypass system of UPS1, especially the neutral line and grounding wire. According to this idea, we found that the output N line of the bypass transformer of UPS1 was indeed grounded, as shown in Figure 11, which confirmed our analysis results.

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