216NG63A HESG441635R1 HESG216877K A8B power controller

216NG63A HESG441635R1 HESG216877K

The system or equipment rack can be equipped with one or two redundant auxiliary DC supply units (DC/DC converters), such as the 216NG61, 216NG62, or 216NG63.

Category: SKU: 216NG63A
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216NG63A HESG441635R1 HESG216877K A8B power controller

The provided information continues to elaborate on the allocation of signaling and trip relays to protection functions in the full version, as well as details about the wiring and configuration of the system. Let’s summarize the key points:

  1. Signaling and Trip Relays Allocation:
    • The allocation of signaling and trip relays to protection functions is determined by the electronic units.
    • The 216AB61 unit has 32 (2 x 16) signaling outputs. Outputs 1…16 are available for use on the 216GD61a. With a second 216GD61a unit, signaling relay outputs 1…16 and 17…32 can be controlled.
    • The 216DB61 unit, apart from binary inputs, is equipped with 8 tripping outputs. Outputs 1…8 are available for use on the 216GD61a. With a second 216GD61a, outputs 9…16 are also available.


  1. Cabling and Wiring:
    • 216IK61 standard cables connect the electronic equipment rack to other assemblies of the system via connectors X1, X2, X3, and X20.
    • The wiring diagram for the basic version is shown in Fig. 2.7, and for the full version in Fig. 2.8.
    • Further details of the auxiliary relay and opto-coupler unit 216GD61a are provided in Section 2.7.2.
    • Figure 12.40 shows the wiring diagram of a redundant auxiliary DC supply with a reset switch. Only the terminals used in lesser versions (e.g., basic version) are wired.
  2. Redundant Auxiliary DC Supply Units:
    • The system or equipment rack can be equipped with one or two redundant auxiliary DC supply units (DC/DC converters), such as the 216NG61, 216NG62, or 216NG63.
    • Fig. 2.10 illustrates the auxiliary DC supply system with two of these units.
    • All electronic units and I/O modules are designed to operate with redundant auxiliary DC supplies. As long as one of the two 24V supplies is available, the correct operation of all equipment functions is assured.
    • The B448C parallel bus has two redundant auxiliary DC supply lines designated USA and USB. Redundant supplies for electronic units are achieved by connecting them to both. The 216NG6 units also provide the auxiliary DC supply for the I/O modules, and the corresponding auxiliary voltage UP (24V)/ZP (0V) is distributed to individual I/O modules via a terminal block.

This information provides insights into the detailed configuration, allocation, and wiring aspects of the signaling, trip relays, and auxiliary DC supply units in the described system or equipment rack.