5SGY3545L0017 ABB module tension controller

Manufacturer: ABB
Serial ports: 4
Network ports: 7
Port isolation: 520 VDC
Weight : 3.17 Kg

Category: SKU: 5SGY3545L0017
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5SGY3545L0017 ABB module tension controller


The information provided describes various types of Gate Turn-Off Thyristors (GTOs) offered by ABB Semiconductors, highlighting key technologies and characteristics. Here’s a breakdown of the details:

  1. Primary Technologies (Character Position 4):
    • Character position 4 in Table III identifies the key primary technologies. Further details about these technologies are available in Sections 2 and 5 of the documentation.
  2. Secondary Technologies (Character Positions 10 and 11):
    • Character positions 10 and 11 designate secondary technologies, including process variations. These technologies may play a supporting role and are likely described in the relevant sections of the document.
  3. Asymmetric GTOs:
    • All ABB Semiconductor GTOs are described as asymmetric, meaning they are non-reverse blocking. The “A” designation specifically refers to the range of conventional anode-shorted GTOs for 2.5 and 4.5 kV.
  4. Fast GTOs:
    • GTOs designated with an “F” are categorized as “Fast” GTOs. These devices utilize buffer layer technology, combined with anode transparency and anode shorts. Fast GTOs can use smaller snubbers, resulting in lower dynamic losses compared to their “A” counterparts. They are intended for new 4.5 kV designs but are also compatible with earlier GTOs, making them suitable for retrofitting older systems.
  5. Transparent Emitter GTOs (TGTOs):
    • TGTOs are optimized buffer layer devices with transparent non-shorted anodes. These devices are designed to offer the lowest possible on-state and switching losses. However, under normal gate drive conditions, standard snubbers are required for operation.
  6. Compatibility and Retrofitting:
    • The document emphasizes that the “Fast” GTOs are compatible with earlier GTOs and can operate with either large or small snubbers in “high” or “low” dc-link circuits. This compatibility makes them ideal for retrofitting older systems.

By summarizing the characteristics of each type of GTO, the document provides a clear understanding of the product variations offered by ABB Semiconductors, enabling users to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements and system designs.