GESSBS-6AH256 General Electric Drive Board


Model: GESSBS-6AH256
Manufacturer: GE
Voltage range: 24VDC
Operating temperature range: -30 ° C to+90 ° C
Input current: 15mA
Output current: 2A
Protection level: IP20

Category: SKU: GESSBS-6AH256 Tag:
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GESSBS-6AH256 General Electric Drive Board

GESSBS-6AH256 General Electric Drive Board


The Prospects of PLC and DCS
We already know that some FCS was developed from PLC, while others were developed from DCS. So, today FCS has moved towards practicality, and what are the prospects for PLC and DCS.

PLC first appeared in the United States in the late 1960s, with the aim of replacing relays, performing sequential control functions such as logic, timing, and counting, and establishing flexible program control systems. In 1976, it was officially named and defined as a digital control specialized electronic computer that uses programmable memory to store instructions, perform functions such as logic, sequence, timing, counting, and calculus, and control various mechanical or working programs through analog and digital input and output components. After more than 30 years of development, PLC has become very mature and perfect, and has developed analog closed-loop control function. The position of PLC in the FCS system seems to have been determined without much debate. The PLC is hung on the high-speed bus as a station. Fully leverage the advantages of PLC in handling switching quantities. In addition, the auxiliary workshops of thermal power plants, such as the supply water treatment workshop, circulating water workshop, ash and slag removal workshop, coal handling workshop, etc., are mostly controlled in sequence in their process. PLC has its unique advantages in sequential control. The editor believes that the control system of the auxiliary workshop should be optimized for PLCs that follow the fieldbus communication protocol or PLCs that can communicate and exchange information with FCS.

Since the first microprocessor based controller was proposed in 1973, it has gradually improved and ultimately formed a fully functional, safe and reliable digital distributed control system DCS. Its performance is greatly superior to that of any control system. It can meet various requirements of DAS, MCS, SCS, and APS systems in thermal power plants. Currently, a management layer network can be established through industrial Ethernet to meet the increasing demand for strengthened management in thermal power plants. It can be said that the monitoring of the DCS system can cover the entire process of large thermal power units.

However, since the emergence of FCS and its commercialization in the 1990s, the following arguments have been continuously published in public publications: “From now on, the new fieldbus control system FCS will gradually replace traditional DCS”; After the adjustment function is decentralized to the site, the traditional DCS does not need to exist and will automatically disappear; In the next decade, the traditional 4-20mA analog signal system will gradually be replaced by the bidirectional digital communication fieldbus signal system, and the distributed control system DCS for analog and digital will be updated to the fully digital fieldbus control system FCS. These arguments can be summarized in one sentence: FCS will replace DCS, and DCS will henceforth perish.

The above arguments are all from the mouth of authoritative experts, and it is indeed reasonable. Digital communication is a trend that represents technological progress and cannot be stopped by anyone. The bidirectional digital communication fieldbus signaling system and the enormous driving force generated by it accelerate the transformation of field devices and control instruments, and develop more and more fully functional digital intelligent field devices. These are all things that DCS systems do not possess, and the resulting advantages and benefits for the design, configuration, configuration, operation, maintenance, and management of thermal power plants are also beyond that of DCS systems. Furthermore, FCS has evolved from DCS and PLC, retaining the characteristics of DCS. In other words, FCS has absorbed years of experience in DCS development research and on-site practice, including lessons learned. It seems logical to conclude that ‘FCS will replace DCS’.
At the same time, we should also note that DCS systems have been developed for nearly 30 years and have been widely used in thermal power plants. Its design philosophy, configuration configuration, and functional matching have reached a very complete level (of course, there is also a need for further development of DCS, such as advanced software development to meet the requirements of information integration), which has penetrated into various fields of control systems in thermal power plants and is also reflected in the FCS system. From this perspective, it seems that the DCS system cannot be said to have disappeared. Furthermore, as mentioned in the previous chapters, DCS systems still have their place in areas where FCS systems cannot fully leverage their characteristics and advantages.

We don’t seem to need to argue too much in words, we must emphasize who replaces who. Just like the current DCS and the new PLC, due to years of development and research, they both retain their original characteristics and complement each other to form a new system. The current DCS is no longer the original DCS, and similarly, the new PLC is not the initial PLC in development. We can say that DCS has replaced PLC or that PLC has replaced DCS, which is obviously not appropriate.

From the above analysis and discussion, we can draw the following simple conclusion: with the emergence of the fieldbus control system FCS, the digital decentralized control DCS will not disappear, but will only move the DCS that used to be the center of the control system to a site on the fieldbus. It can also be said that the situation where DCS is at the center of the control system will be broken from now on. In the future, the control system of thermal power plants will be a new type of control system with FCS at the center of the control system and DCS system philosophy.


Model recommendation:
07NG20 GJR5221900R2
07NG61R2 GJV3074341R0001
07PR22 GJR2294700R1
07XS01 GJR2280700R3
07YS03 GJR2263800R3
07ZE23 GJR2292800R202