“Turbocharging will become even more important for a net zero world” – podcast with Accelleron’s Daniel Bischofberger

在最新的ABB解码播客中,Accelleron(前身为ABB涡轮增压)的首席执行官Daniel Bischofberger讨论了涡轮增压在不断变化的能源行业格局中的关键作用 Bischofberger分享了涡轮增压器在节油和减排方面的重要影响 他讨论了使用可持续燃料的涡轮增压器的未来角色 Turbochargers are often associated with loud and polluting combustion engines, but they are in fact helping make combustion engines significantly more efficient. In the latest episode of ABB Decoded podcast, Daniel Bischofberger,