
1X00102H01 Emerson Central distribution board


Product name:1X00102H01 Emerson Central distribution board

Product model:1X00102H01


The 1C31227G02 locator can be considered as a high proportion gain device. When combined with actuators and valves, the ideal performance of the component will be similar to a first-order or underdamped second-order system, depending on its purpose and expected performance.

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Category: SKU: 1X00102H01
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One way to reduce the actuator air chamber volume is to use a piston actuator rather than a spring-anddiaphragm actuator, but this is not a panacea. Piston actuators usually have higher thrust capability than spring-anddiaphragm actuators, but they also have higher friction, which can contribute to problems with valve response time.


To obtain the required thrust with a piston actuator, it is usually necessary to use a higher air pressure than with a diaphragm actuator, because the piston typically has a smaller area. This means that a larger volume of air needs to be supplied with its attendant ill effects on the dynamic time. In addition, piston actuators, with their greater number of guide surfaces, tend to have higher friction due to inherent difficulties in alignment, as well as friction from the O-ring. These friction problems also tend to increase over time.

Regardless of how good the O-rings are initially, these elastomeric materials will degrade with time due to wear and other environmental conditions. Likewise, wear on the guide surfaces will increase the friction, and depletion of the lubrication will occur. These friction problems result in a greater piston actuator deadband, which will increase the valve response time through increased dead time.


brand Product Name Product model Order No
EMERSON modular 1X00102H01 nothing
Place of Origin Marketable land Imported or not defects liability period
Europe and America Nationwide and overseas yes a year
Place of shipment Delivery method How to use Applicable industries
Xiamen Shunfeng Express Commissioning and installation Power Plant Steel Plant Cement Plant Shipboard Papermaking
Service advantages Foreign import, goods preparation and supply Reasonable price and reliable quality Pictures are for reference only
Product features Primary source of goods, supply by model After sales guarantee Chen 1810693-7731


Instrument supply pressure can also have a significant impact on dynamic performance of the valve assembly. For example, it can dramatically affect the positioner gain, as well as overall air consumption. Fixed-gain positioners have generally been optimized for a particular supply pressure.


This gain, however, can vary by a factor of two or more over a small range of supply pressures. For example, a positioner that has been optimized for a supply pressure of 20 psig might find its gain cut in half when the supply pressure is boosted to 35 psig. Supply pressure also affects the volume of air delivered to the actuator, which determines speed. It is also directly linked to air consumption. Again, high-gain spool valve positioners can consume up to five times the amount of air required for more efficient high-performance, two-stage positioners that use relays for the power amplification stage.