3HAC031683-004 ABB Drive controller module robot card

Numer modelu: 3HAC031683-004
Manufacturer: ABB
Serial ports: 4
Network ports: 7
Port isolation: 520 VDC
Weight : 3.17 Kg
Shipping Weight : 4 Kg

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Contacts:kelly CHEN


The S4 computer system consists of the following components:
Main Computer. This board is the “BIG BOSS” of the system.
The main computer performs all high level decision making. It
runs the application program and creates the motion “poses”
that the system uses for to get through its program.
Robot Computer. This board actually contains two computers,
the Servo computer and the I/O computer. This board controls
the Drive system and also controls all I/O communications.
Memory Board. There are two different memory boards available
for the S4 system. One has 4MB and the other has 6MB of RAM.
The type of board used depends upon customer requirements.
Battery Back-up. The computer system is battery backed by
two 3.6 volt lithium batteries located below the computer boards
and plugged into the back plane. The robot computer will switch
between the batteries to always have battery back-up protection.
System Board. This board has all of the safety circuits contained
on it. It contains both of the Run Chain circuits and also Motor
Temperature circuits. Also contained on this board are the
sensor inputs.
Power Supply. The power supply provides the DC voltages
needed to operate all computer boards and also supplies the 24
VDC which is the source voltage for most components in the
I/O Boards. There are several different I/O boards available for
the S4 system. These inputs and outputs are for the customers
use to be interfaced with external equipment such as PLC,
valves, or switches.
PWM Drive System. The drive system is controlled by the robot
computer and regulates power to the motors.
Motors. They do the work of the system. They cause the robot
to move to the commanded positions.
Resolvers. The Resolvers are the position feedback device.
They feedback an analog signal that represents the angular
position of the motor.
Serial Measurement Board (SMB). Reads the resolver
feedback, converts it to digital, and sends the position information
back to the robot computer.
Teach Pendant. The Teach Pendant is the device used by
humans to interface with the computer.