ABB 5SHY3545L0010 thyristor IGCT module 3BHB013088R0001


5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001

  • ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 Semiconductors offers a comprehensive family of fast recovery diodes designed for enhanced Safe Operating Area (SOA) and controlled turn-off recovery.
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ABB 5SHY3545L0010 thyristor IGCT module 3BHB013088R0001


The provided information introduces ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 Semiconductors’ comprehensive family of fast recovery diodes, emphasizing their optimization for enhanced Safe Operating Area (SOA) and controlled (soft) turn-off recovery. Here are key points from the passage:

  1. Fast Recovery Diodes Overview:
    • ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 Semiconductors offers a comprehensive family of fast recovery diodes designed for enhanced Safe Operating Area (SOA) and controlled turn-off recovery.
  2. Suitability for Converter Applications:
    • The characteristics of these diodes make them well-suited for various converter applications, including Voltage Source Inverters (VSIs), Current Source Inverters (CSIs), and snubbers.
  3. Historical Use in Power Electronics:
    • ABB has a long history of producing high-power fast recovery diodes, commonly used in applications such as VSIs, CSIs, and snubbers.
  4. Application with IGCTs and GTOs:
    • These diodes are typically used in conjunction with IGCTs and GTOs as free-wheeling, snubber, and clamp diodes, contributing to the full performance of IGCTs and GTOs.
  5. Development of L-Housing Fast Recovery Diodes:
    • ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 has specifically developed L-housing fast recovery diodes to optimally match press-pack IGBT and IEGT applications where a di/dt of up to 5 kA/µs is required.
  6. Application Recommendations:
    • Fast recovery diode recommendations for various applications are available in the ABB application note titled “Applying fast recovery diodes.” The latest version of this application note can be found on the ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 Semiconductors website.
  7. Product Specifications:
    • The passage includes specifications for specific fast recovery diode models, including part numbers, voltage ratings (VRRM, VDC), current ratings (IFAVM), temperature ratings, forward voltage drop (VF0), and other relevant parameters.
    • Parameters such as diode recovery time (trr), di/dt capability, and thermal resistance (RthJC and RthCH) are provided for each diode model.
  8. Housing Information:
    • The passage includes information about the housing types of the fast recovery diodes, such as the H1 housing.
  9. Availability of Application Note:
    • The latest version of the application note, “Applying fast recovery diodes,” is available for reference on the ABB 5SHY3545L0010 3BHB013088R0001 Semiconductors website.

In summary, ABB’s fast recovery diodes are designed to meet the demands of converter applications, providing enhanced SOA and controlled turn-off recovery. The passage also includes specific details about certain diode models and references to application notes for further information.

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