ABB 5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 Automation Machinery Spare Parts


5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002

  • BCT, being two integrated thyristors on one wafer, allows handling most quality issues similar to classical thyristors.
  • BCT-specific parameters undergo separate testing to meet quality requirements, with crosstalk tests as an essential part of the qualification procedure.
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ABB 5SHY3545L0016 3BHB020720R0002 Automation Machinery Spare Parts


BCT Quality, Reliability, and User’s Guide

Quality and Reliability of BCT

  • BCT, being two integrated thyristors on one wafer, allows handling most quality issues similar to classical thyristors.
  • BCT-specific parameters undergo separate testing to meet quality requirements, with crosstalk tests as an essential part of the qualification procedure.
  • Load cycling experiments show no perceivable difference in load cycle capability compared to classical thyristors.
  • Unlike classical thyristors, the BCT doesn’t require additional high-voltage blocking junction termination measures.
  • The separation region in BCT, short-circuited by metallization on both wafer sides, ensures voltage blocking reliability comparable to classical thyristors.
  • The full characterization and approval procedure are detailed in section 5.

BCT User’s Guide

BCT-Specific Features
Mechanical Design:
  • Most mechanical parts for BCT and PCT are the same, reducing logistical problems.
  • Outer dimensions and clamping forces for BCT are identical to the standard PCT range.
  • BCT has two gate and two auxiliary cathode contacts.
  • To prevent incorrect connections, the cathode contact on side A has a fast-on connector of size 6.3 x 0.8 mm, and the cathode contact on side B has a fast-on connector of size 4.8 x 0.8 mm.
  • This design allows users to implement the same mechanical clamping design for both PCTs and BCTs, optimizing costs in applications using both types.

The BCT user’s guide emphasizes the similarity of definitions and characterizing parameters with PCTs, with a few exceptions explained in the document. Users are directed to the ABB Semiconductors PCT data book for additional information and application guidance applicable to both PCTs and BCTs. The BCT’s mechanical design ensures compatibility with existing clamping solutions, and precautions are taken to prevent incorrect connections during installation.

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