DSQC377B DSQC539 ABB conveyor chain tracking board module

Product name:DSQC377B DSQC539 ABB conveyor chain tracking board module
Product model:DSQC377B DSQC539
Quantity: stock on hand
Price: electricity
Product documentation: No relevant documentation

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DSQC377B DSQC539 The Quick Connect button can be used to establish a fast connection through the front

panel RS232 port of a 745 relay. The following window will appear when the Quick

Connect button is pressed:

As indicated by the window, the quick connect feature quickly connects the EnerVista 745

Setup software to a 745 front port with the following settings: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits,

1 stop bit. Select the PC communications port connected DSQC377B DSQC539 to the relay and press the

Connect button.

The EnerVista 745 Setup software will display a window indicating the status of

communications with the relay. When connected, a new Site called “Quick Connect” will

appear in the Site List window. The properties of this new site cannot be changed.

The 745 site device has now been configured via the DSQC377B DSQC539 Quick Connect feature for serial

communications. Proceed to Connecting to the Relay on page 4–17 to begin


4.3.3 Configuring Ethernet communications

Before starting, verify that the Ethernet cable is properly connected to the RJ45 Ethernet


 Install and start the latest version of the EnerVista 745 Setup software

(available from the GE EnerVista CD).

See the previous section for the installation procedure.

 Click on the Device Setup button to open the DSQC377B DSQC539 device setup window.

 Click the Add Site button to define a new site.

 Enter the desired site name in the Site Name field.

If desired, a short description of the site can also be entered along with

the display order of devices defined for the site. In this example, we will

use “Transformer Station 1” as the site name.

 Click the OK button when complete.

The new site will appear in the upper-left list in the EnerVista 745 Setup window.

 Click the Add Device button to DSQC377B DSQC539 define the new device.

 Enter the desired name in the Device Name field and a description

(optional) of the site.

 Select Ethernet from the Interface drop-down list.

This will display a number of interface parameters that must be entered

for proper Ethernet functionality.

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