ABB REF615E-E HBFAABAANAA4BNA11E After sales service is provided for the control card of the power supply device

Numer modelu: REF615E-E HBFAABAANAA4BNA11E

Manufacturer: ABB
Serial ports: 2
Network ports: 9
Port isolation: 120 VDC
Weight :3Kg
Shipping Weight :5 Kg

Whatsapp:+86 15359293870
WeChat:+86 18106937731
Contacts:kelly CHEN


Manufacturer ABB
Brand ABB
Series module
Product Type module
Quality 100% New Original
Stock In stock
Delivery time 1-3 days after Payment
After-sales Service Have
Warranty 1 year
Shipping term DHL / FEDEX/ EMS /UPS/TNT/EMS


Packaging details: if you need an urgent delivery order, please feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to meet your needs.

Price problem: if you find that other suppliers offer cheaper prices for the same product, we are also willing to provide you with reference prices and give you further discounts.


Detail level Select if the detail level is to be Auto, Fine, Medium or Coarse.
Default value: Auto.
Cull back-facing
Select the check box if you want to ignore the back-facing
triangles. Default value: selected.
Culling back-facing triangles improves the graphics
performance but may give unexpected display if surfaces in
models are not faced correctly.
Enable twosided lighting Select the check box if you want to enable two-sided lighting.
Default value: cleared.
Cull objects smaller than Select the size in pixels under which objects will be disregarded.
Default value: 2 pixels.
Store model data on
graphics card (recommended)
Select the check box if you want to store the model data on a
graphics card. Default value: cleared.
Storing model data on a graphics card improves graphics performance, but causes stability problems for some hardware
Navigation sensitivity Select the navigation sensitivity when using the mouse
movements or navigation buttons by clicking the bar and
dragging it into position. Default value: 1.
Selection radius (pixels) Change the selection radius (that is, how close the mouse
cursor click must be to an item to be selected) by entering the
requested pixel value in the box. Default value: 5.
Selection highlight Set if the selected object shall be distinguished in the Graphics
window by a color, by an outline or not at all. Default value: color.
Highlight color Click the colored rectangle to change the highlight color.
Activate selection
Select the check box to enable temporarily highlighting of items
that may be selected when the mouse cursor passes over them.
Default value: selected.
Show local coordinate
system for selected
Select the check box to show the local coordinate system for the
selected objects. Default value: selected.
Normal Tolerance Enter the maximum deviation of surface normals in the Fine,
Medium or Coarse boxes. Default values (in deg): Fine: 10,
Medium: 22.5, Coarse: 45 (or equivalent in other units).
Surface Tolerance Enter the maximum spatial deviation of surfaces in the Fine,
Medium or Coarse boxes. Default values (in deg): Fine: 2,
Medium: 10, Coarse: 50 (or equivalent in other units).
Curve Tolerance Enter the maximum spatial deviation of curves in the Fine,
Medium or Coarse boxes. Default values (in deg): Fine: 0.2,
Medium: 1, Coarse: 5 (or equivalent in other units).