Alstom AH116-2 driver amplifier 1-dB power


Manufacturer: ALSTOM
Part Number: AH116-2
Product type: AH116-2 power board/power supply
Weight: 2 kilograms

Category: SKU: AH116-2 Tag:
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The following may be used as references when working with information in this Standard. NOTE: Refer to latest editions.

AH116-2 Product Features
x 800 – 1000 MHz
x +28 dBm P1dB
x +43 dBm Output IP3
x 17.5 dB Gain @ 900 MHz
x +5V Single Positive Supply
x MTTF > 100 Years
x Lead-free/green/RoHS-compliant SOIC-8 SMT P

AH116-2 ACCA – Air Conditioning Contractors of America
2800 Shirlington Road, Suite 300 Arlington, VA
• Manual D, Residential Duct Systems
• Manual J, Residential Load Calculation

ADC – Air Diffusion Council
1901 N. Roselle Road, Suite 800 Schaumburg, IL 60195 (847) 706-6750
• Flexible Duct Performance & Installation Standards.

AH116-2 Hanging and Supporting Flexible Duct

Flexible duct shall be supported at manufacturers’ recommended intervals but at no greater distance than 5 feet (1.52m) on centers. Maximum permissible sag is 1 /2” per foot (42mm per meter) of spacing between supports. See Fig. 6-9A.

Connections to rectangular fibrous glass duct shall be considered a support point. Long horizontal duct runs with sharp bends shall have additional supports before and after the bend approximately one duct diameter from the centerline of the bend. Hanger or saddle material in contact with the flexible duct shall be of sufficient width to prevent any restriction of the internal diameter of the duct when the weight of the supported section rests on the hanger or saddle material. In no case will the material contacting the flexible duct be less than 11 /2” (38mm) wide. See Fig. 6-9B.

Support flexible duct between a connection to rectangular ductwork and a bend by allowing the flexible duct to extend straight for a short distance before making the bend. This will avoid possible damage to the flexible duct by the edge of the sheet metal collar. See Fig. 6-9C. Vertically installed flexible duct shall be stabilized by support straps located 6 feet (1.83m) on centers. See Fig. 6-9D. NOTE: Fibrous glass ducts, including flexible duct, may not be used for vertical risers in air duct systems serving more than two stories. NOTE: Information on this page is from Flexible Duct Performance & Installation Standards, Air Diffusion Council.


NAIMA AH116-2 – North American Insulation Manufacturers Association

44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310, Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 684-0084

•Pub. # AH100, Fibrous Glass HVAC Duct Systems: Proven Performance

•Pub. # AH105, Requirements for listing UL181A Closure Systems

•Pub. # AH109, A Comparison of Duct Systems Energy Savings and Acoustical Performance

•Pub. # AH110, An Essential Component of Indoor Environmental Quality … Fiber Glass HVAC Insulations

•Pub. # AH113, The Facts About Mold Growth

•Pub. # AH114, The Facts About Airborne Fibers

•Pub. # AH116, Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standard

•Pub. # AH121, A Guide to Insulated Air Duct Systems

•Pub. # AH122, Cleaning Fibrous Glass Insulated Duct Systems

• Pub. # AH125, Facts About the Use of Biocides and Encapsulants with Fiber Glass Air Duct Insulations