IC693CPU374-GU embedded processor card


IC693CPU374-GU Technical Information:

Processor speed: 133 MHz
Processor type: AMD SC520
Execution time (Boolean operation): 0.15 milliseconds per Boolean instruction
Memory storage type: memory and flash memory

Category: SKU: IC693CPU374-GU Tag:
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Product Information  

  • General: The GE Fanuc IC693CPU374 is a single-slot CPU module with a processor speed of 133 MHz. This module is embedded with an Ethernet interface.


  • Memory: The total user memory used by the IC693CPU374 is 240 KB. The actual size associated with program memory for the user primarily depends on the configured memory types, such as Register memory (%R), Analog input (%AI) and Analog output (%AO). The amount of memory configured for each of these memory types is 128 to around 32,640 words.


  • Power: The power required for the IC693CPU374 is 7.4 watts from 5V DC voltage. It also supports a RS-485 port when the power is supplied. The protocol SNP and SNPX are supported by this module when the power is supplied through this port.


  • Operation: This module is operated within the ambient temperature range of 0°C to 60°C. The temperature required for the storage is in between -40° C and +85°C.


  • Features: The IC693CPU374 is equipped with two Ethernet ports, which both have auto sensing capabilities. This module has eight baseplates for each system, including a CPU baseplate. The remaining 7 are expansion or remote baseplates and are compatible with a programmable communication coprocessor.


  • Battery: The IC693CPU374 module’s battery backup can run for several months. The internal battery can serve as the power supply for up to 1.2 months, and an optional external battery can support the module for a maximum of 12 months.

To select and configure the DCS system, it is first necessary to know the number of controlled points, which is commonly known as the I/O measurement point list: including AI (analog input points), AO (analog output points), DI (switching input points), DO (switching output points), and the communication points between DCS and other intelligent instruments or controllers.

Usually, the number of I/O measurement points can be calculated from the P&ID drawings or instrument lists provided by the design institute. PID: (Piping&Instrument Diagram), also known as the process flow diagram with control points (as shown in Figure 1). The drawings include all chemical equipment such as pipelines, reactors, storage tanks, pumps, heat exchangers, as well as various measuring instruments and valves. We only need to calculate the number of measuring instruments, valves, motors, frequency converters, and other equipment from the drawings to basically determine the I/O points. Let’s take a look at the main types of instruments on the drawings (as shown in Table 1).


The left side is the main circuit, and the right side is the secondary circuit (the connection between the main circuit and the secondary circuit has been omitted for clarity). At this point, we only look at the secondary circuit:
SB2 is a normally open self reset button, which is a DO point (start control signal)
SB1 is a normally closed self reset button, which is a DO point (stop control signal)
The normally closed contact of the FR thermal relay is a DI point (fault feedback signal)
The lower KM represents the contactor coil, while the upper KM represents the normally open contact of the contactor
When the SB2 button is pressed, the lower KM coil is powered on, the normally open contact of the upper KM contactor is closed, the entire circuit is connected, and the motor starts. SB2 is a self reset button, and SB2 is reset and disconnected. The circuit is still connected, and the motor operates normally.

When the SB1 button is pressed, the normally closed point becomes the normally open point, the circuit is disconnected, the lower KM coil loses power, the normally open contact of the upper KM contactor is disconnected, the circuit is disconnected, and the motor stops running. SB1 is a self reset button, and when SB1 is reset and closed, the circuit is still in the disconnected state, and the motor stops running.
When the motor overheats, the normally closed contact of the FR thermal relay opens, providing a fault signal.
When the circuit is connected and the motor is running, the auxiliary contact of the KM contactor closes, providing feedback on the running signal DI.