NI-9485 (SSR) Digital Output Module


NI-9485 Power consumption from chassis
Active mode 500 mW max
Sleep mode 5 mW max

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NI-9485 (SSR) Digital Output Module


The NI 9485 is a 8-channel SSR sourcing or sinking digital output module for any NI CompactDAQ or CompactRIO chassis. Each channel provides access to an SSR for switching voltages up to 60 VDC, 30 Vrms with switching current of up to 1.2 A per channel for 4 channels and up to 750 mA per channel for all 8 channels. The NI 9485 features 60 VDC continuous channel-to-channel isolation. It is designed to directly connect to a wide array of industrial devices such as motors, actuators, and DC devices.


Advanced Features

Note that the National Instruments legacy NI CompactDAQ chassis, the cDAQ-9172, has a limit of 16 programmable output channels, which means you can use only one hardware-timed NI 9264 per chassis. CompactRIO does not have this restriction due to the parallel nature of the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and the reconfigurable I/O driver.

The spring terminal version of the NI 9264 uses a 36-position connector for the 16 channels of output with each channel having a ground connection. You can purchase extra connectors, which are listed as model NI 9974.

When used in CompactRIO, C Series analog output modules connect directly to reconfigurable I/O (RIO) FPGA hardware to create high-performance embedded systems that deliver the optimization and flexibility of a custom electrical circuit completely dedicated to your input/output application. The reconfigurable FPGA hardware within CompactRIO provides a variety of options for timing, triggering, synchronization, change detection, digital pattern matching, or digital communication. For instance, with CompactRIO, you can implement a circuit to generate complex arbitrary waveforms; perform filtering or splining to generate a smooth output signal based on a choppy, low-speed output command; simulate a nonlinear sensor; or implement amplitude/phase modulation.

Common-mode rejection ratio
High-resolution mode (at DC and 50 Hz to 60 Hz)
Channel-to-COM 100 dB
COM-to-earth ground >170 dB
High-speed mode (at 0 Hz to 60 Hz)
Channel-to-COM 70 dB
COM-to-earth ground >150 dB
Input bandwidth
High-resolution mode 14.4 Hz
High-speed mode 78 Hz
High-resolution noise rejection (at 50 Hz and
60 Hz)
60 dB
Overvoltage protection ±30 V between any two inputs
Differential input impedance 78 MΩ
Input current 50 nA
Input noise
High-resolution mode 200 nVrms
High-speed mode 7 μVrms
Gain error
High-resolution mode
at 25 °C 0.03% typical
at -40 °C to 70 °C 0.07% typical, 0.15% maximum
High-speed mode
at 25 °C 0.04% typical
at -40 °C to 70 °C 0.08% typical, 0.16% maximum
Offset error
High-resolution mode 4 μV typical, 6 μV maximum
High-speed mode 14 μV typical, 17 μV maximum
Offset error from source impedance Add 0.05 μV per Ω, when source impedance
>50 Ω

Backshell Kit
For signal wire strain relief, high-vibration environments, or protection from high voltages, use the NI 9940 backshell kit. Note that this kit is not compatible with the D-Sub version of the module.

D-Sub Accessories
The D-Sub version of the NI 9264 module was designed to accommodate standard 37-pin D-Sub components. NI offers a variety of cables and terminal blocks for this connector option. To eliminate the need for a breakout panel and conserve space, use the NI 9933 37-pin D-Sub connector block. This accessory kit comes with a D-Sub to screw-terminal converter as well as a protective shell to create a custom cable for your specific application.


Key Features
High-performance analog output signal generation for CompactRIO embedded system, R Series expansion chassis, or NI CompactDAQ

Screw terminals, strain relief, high-voltage, and cable options

NI CompactRIO Extreme Industrial Certifications and Ratings

Channel-to-earth ground double-isolation barrier for safety and noise immunity