NI CDAQ-9189 Panel Installation Kit


cDAQ-9185 NI-DAQmx 17.1
cDAQ-9189 NI-DAQmx 17.1

Category: SKU: CDAQ-9189 Tag:
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Mounting the cDAQ-9185/9189

To ensure proper functionality during use at the maximum ambient temperature of 70 °C, you must mount the cDAQ chassis in the reference mounting configuration shown in the following image. Mounting the cDAQ chassis in the reference mounting configuration ensures that your system will operate correctly across the full operating temperature range and provide optimal C Series module accuracy. Observe the following guidelines to mount the cDAQ chassis in the reference mounting configuration.


Note Panel mounting substrate options: • Mount the cDAQ chassis directly to a metallic surface that is at least 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) thick and extends a minimum of 101.6 mm (4 in.) beyond all edges of the device. • Use the NI 9904 or NI 9905 Panel Mounting Kit to mount the cDAQ chassis to a metallic surface that is at least 1.6 mm (0.062 in.) thick and extends a minimum of 101.6 mm (4 in.) beyond all edges of the device.

Before using any of these mounting methods, record the serial number from the back of the cDAQ chassis so that you can identify the cDAQ chassis in MAX. You will be unable to read the serial number after you mount the cDAQ chassis.


Mounting the cDAQ Chassis Directly on a Flat Surface

For environments with high shock and vibration, NI recommends mounting the cDAQ chassis directly on a flat, rigid surface using the mounting holes in the cDAQ chassis. This mounting technique requires M4 screws appropriate for the surface (two M4 screws for the cDAQ-9185 or three M4 screws for the cDAQ-9189) and a screwdriver.


Mounting the cDAQ Chassis on a Panel with a Panel Mounting Kit

You can use a panel mounting kit to mount the cDAQ- chassis on a panel. This mounting technique requires a Phillips #2 screwdriver and a panel mounting kit (NI 9904 panel mounting kit, 779097-01, for the cDAQ-9185, or NI 9905 panel mounting kit, 779558-01, for the cDAQ-9189).

Complete the following steps to mount the cDAQ chassis on a panel.

1. Align the cDAQ chassis and the panel mount plate.

2. Fasten the panel mounting plate to the cDAQ chassis using the screwdriver and screws. Tighten the screws to a maximum torque of 1.3 N · m (11.5 lb · in.). (NI 9904) Use two M4x25 screws, included in the kit. (NI 9905) Use three M4x23 screws, included in the kit.

3. Fasten the panel mounting plate to the surface using the screwdriver and screws that are appropriate for the surface. The maximum screw size is M5 or number 10.

The maximum operating temperature of 70 °C may be reduced for any mounting configuration other than the reference mounting configuration. A 10 °C (18 °F) reduction in maximum operating temperature is sufficient for most alternate mounting configurations. Follow the mounting requirements for all mounting configurations. The published accuracy specifications, although not guaranteed for alternate mounting configurations, may be met depending on the system power and the thermal performance of the alternate mounting configuration. Contact NI for further details regarding the impact of common alternate mounting configurations on maximum operating temperature and module accuracy