NI PCI-7813R series digital RIO board


PCI-7813R, 40 MHz, Virtex II 3M FPGA, digital reconfigurable I/O device

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NI PCI-7813R series digital RIO board


PCI-7813R (part number: 779370-01) is an R-series digital reconfigurable I/O device from National Instruments. This device uses a Real Time System Integration (RTSI) bus. The R series PCI devices perform RTSI transmission through the associated RTSI links between devices. On the other hand, the R series PXI widgets access the RTSI bus through PXI trigger lines executed on the PXI backplane. The decision of CompactPCI gives merchants the ability to create sub buses that exist together with the basic PCI interface on the CompactPCI bus. Perfect activity between CompactPCI devices with different sub buses and between CompactPCI devices with sub buses and PXI is not guaranteed. The standard usage of CompactPCI does indeed exclude these sub buses. The R series small tools can work in any standard CompactPCI chassis system, firmly grasping the central component of PICMG CompactPCI 2.0 R3.0.


This model is equipped with an NSC68-262650 link, which can directly connect signals from the NI PCI-7813R RMIO connector to the 5B and SSR backplane. On one side of the link, there is a 68 pin male VHDCI connector that can be inserted into the NI PCI-7813R RMIO connector. In addition to a 50 pin female connector, the other end of the link also provides two 26 pin female connectors. One of the 26 bar connectors contains all NI PCI-7813R simple information signals. Users can directly connect this connector to the 5B backplane to achieve simple input signal shaping. The device is also equipped with four 68 pin female high-density VHDCI I/O connectors. NI PCI-7813R AI<0.. N>is associated with the 5B backplane and indicates<0.. N>in consecutive requests. When using 5B signal shaping, users can arrange AI channels to use NRSE input mode. The PCI-7813R has 160 digital I/O cables and embedded block RAM of 1.728 kbits. The NI device weighs 0.25 pounds and has a physical size of 6.7 x 4.3 inches. Its recommended operating temperature range is 0 ° C to 55 ° C, storage temperature range is -20 ° C to 70 ° C, and random vibration during operation and non operation is 0.3 grms and 2.4 grms, respectively – both in the frequency range of 5 to 500 Hz.

Model PCI-7813R
Manufacturer National Instruments Corporation of the United States
Part number 779370-01
Series R
Type number reconfigurable I/O device
FPGA type Virtex II V3000
Number of triggers 28672
eighteen × 18 Multipliers 96
Embedded block RAM 1728 kbits
Digital Input/Output 160
Time base 40, 80, 120, 160, or 200 MHz
Input/output connector 4×68 pin female high-density VHDCI type
Power requirements:+3.3V DC,+5V DC -850mA, 9mA
Aspect 6.7 inches x 4.3 inches
Weight 0.25 pounds
Software Driver NI-RIO


NI PCI-7813R Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are D GND, AI GND, and AO GND connected to the chassis/building ground via PCI-7813R?
Answer: Yes, the D GND, AI GND, and AO GND of PCI-7813R are connected to the chassis ground using DMM.
Q: What is the maximum current load on the 5V terminal on connector 0 of the PCI 7813R board?
Answer: The maximum rated current load of the 5V terminal on the 0 connector of the PCI 7813R board is 1A max.
Q: What is the rated current of the fuse on the NI PCI-7813R board?
Answer: The rated current of the fuse on the NI PCI-7813R board is 4A.