NI PXI-4071 Isolation Digital Multimeter


NI PXI-4071
• Superior accuracy and measurement rates
• 10- to 26-bit flexible resolution
• Wide dynamic range of measurements
• ±10 nV to 1000 VDC (700 VAC) voltage

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NI PXI-4071 Isolation Digital Multimeter

Title: NI PXI-4071: A High-Performance 71⁄2-Digit FlexDMM

Introduction: The NI PXI-4071 is a versatile 71⁄2-digit FlexDMM, seamlessly combining the functionality of a high-resolution digital multimeter (DMM) and a digitizer. This 3U PXI module offers an extensive measurement capability, making it an ideal choice for applications ranging from precise voltage and current measurements to waveform acquisition and analysis.


Section 1: Overview of PXI-4071 Features 1.1 Multifunction Capability: The PXI-4071 serves as both a high-resolution DMM and an isolated digitizer, providing a comprehensive range of measurement capabilities.

1.2 Measurement Ranges: As a DMM, the PXI-4071 covers voltage measurements from ±10 nV to 1000 V, current measurements from ±1 pA to 3 A, and resistance measurements from 10 µΩ to 5 GΩ. Additionally, it performs frequency/period and diode measurements.

1.3 Digitizer Mode: In digitizer mode, the PXI-4071 can acquire DC-coupled waveforms at sample rates up to 1.8 MS/s across all voltage and current modes.

1.4 Analysis with LabVIEW Software: Utilizing NI LabVIEW software, users can analyze acquired waveforms in both time and frequency domains, enhancing the instrument’s functionality.

Section 2: Performance Advancements 2.1 High-Speed Digital Multimeter: The PXI-4071 surpasses traditional 71⁄2-digit DMM speed/performance barriers by leveraging a modern architecture optimized for the high-speed PXI bus.

2.2 DC Reading Rates: With a remarkable DC reading rate of 7 S/s at 71⁄2 digits, the PXI-4071 excels in speed and accuracy. For applications demanding higher throughput, it achieves a maximum DC reading rate of 10 kS/s at 41⁄2 digits, outpacing traditional GPIB-controlled DMMs by at least five times, as depicted in Table 1.


Conclusion: The NI PXI-4071 stands out as a high-performance, multifunctional instrument, offering superior speed, accuracy, and functionality. Its capabilities make it an excellent choice for automated tests in both production and research and development environments, providing users with a reliable solution for a wide range of measurement tasks.

Fast, Accurate AC Measurements
With NI FlexDMM devices, slow AC measurements are a thing of the past. FlexDMM devices achieve unprecedented AC measurement speeds by solving a traditional analog problem, rms-to-DC conversion, in the digital domain. They use a digital algorithm that requires only a few cycles of a waveform to compute rms values, which dramatically increases AC reading rates. The digital algorithm automatically rejects the DC component of the signal, making it possible to bypass the slowsettling input capacitor. To measure small AC voltages in the presence of large DC offsets, such as ripple on a DC power supply, FlexDMM devices offer the standard AC volts mode, which uses a coupling capacitor to eliminate the offset so the FlexDMM can use the most sensitive range.
The digital approach to rms computation offers accuracy benefits as well. The algorithm is completely insensitive to crest factor, and can deliver exceptionally quiet and stable readings. The PXI-4071 guarantees AC accuracy down to 1 percent of full scale, rather than the 10 percent of full scale offered by traditional DMMs; it can achieve usable readings even below 0.1 percent of full scale.