PCI-6250 multifunctional DAQ device


Manufacturer: NI
Model: PCI-6250
✔ Can be calibrated on the same day
✔ Provide 1-year warranty
✔ Free ground transportation

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PCI-6250 (part number: 779069-01) is an efficient and multifunctional DAQ from National Instruments. This device is designed for accurately reading high-speed data. The PCI-6250 device is an M-series DAQ board. The device uses NI-MCal calibration technology to improve measurement accuracy. The PCI-6250 device has an onboard NI-PGIA 2 amplifier. When the device reads samples from all channels at the highest sampling rate, the amplifier can provide high accuracy. The PCI-6250 I/O device supports NI-DAQmx driver software. The data recording software supported by this device is NI LabVIEW.

The PCI-6250 multifunctional DAQ has eight differential analog input channels. These inputs can be programmed into 16 single ended channels. The timing resolution of the input channel is 50 ns. The maximum sampling rate of this device in single channel sampling mode is 1.25 MS/s. In multi-channel sampling mode, reduce by 1 MS/s per channel. The input voltage range of PCI-6250 is+0.1V to+10V. The maximum operating voltage of PCI-6250 is+11V. The input FIFO memory is 4095 samples. In addition to the above, the device also has 24 digital input/output channels. The digital channel is independent and can be selected as input or output.

The PCI-6250 multifunctional DAQ has two universal counters/timers. The resolution of the counter is 32 bits. There are two types of clock sources for PCI-6250: internal clock sources and external clock sources. The fixed frequencies of the internal basic clock are 0.1 MHz, 20 MHz, and 80 MHz. The frequency range of the external base plug is 0-20 MHz.


Model PCI-6250
Manufacturer National Instruments Corporation of the United States
Part number 779069-01
Series M
Type multifunctional data collection
16 analog input channels (16 bits, 1.25 MS/s) or 8 differential channels
Analog output channel 0
Digital Input/Output 24
Timed input/output with 2 counters/timer I/O (32-bit, 80 MHz)
One 68 pin VHDCI input/output connector
Power requirements:+5V,+3.3V,+12V -0.03A, 0.725A, 0.35A
Aspect 3.8 × 6.1 inches
Weight 5 ounces.
Basic driver software NI-DAQmx and NI-DAQmx


NI PCI-6250 Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the input FIFO size for NI PCI-6250 M series DAQ?
Answer: The input FIFO size of NI PCI-6250 M series DAQ is 4095 samples.
Q: What is the name of the NI PCI-6250 driver?
Answer: The NI PCI-6250 driver is NI-DAQmx.
Q: What is the grounding reference for digital I/O on NI PCI 6250?
Answer: The grounding reference for digital I/O on NI PCI 6250 is D GND.
Q: Does PCI 6250 require calibration?
Answer: Yes, the calibration interval for PCI 6250 is two years.