PCI-6259 Universal Counter/Timer


NI 6259
M Series Data Acquisition: 32 AI, 1.25 MS/s, 48 DIO, 4 AO

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PCI-6259 Universal Counter/Timer
Analog Input
Number of channels 16 differential or 32 single ended
ADC resolution 16 bits
DNL No missing codes guaranteed
INL Refer to the AI Absolute Accuracy section
Sample rate
Single channel maximum 1.25 MS/s
Multichannel maximum (aggregate) 1.00 MS/s
Minimum No minimum
Timing resolution 50 ns
Timing accuracy 50 ppm of sample rate
Input coupling DC
Input range ±0.1 V, ±0.2 V, ±0.5 V, ±1 V, ±2 V, ±5 V,
±10 V
Maximum working voltage for analog
inputs (signal + common mode)
±11 V of AI GND
CMRR (DC to 60 Hz) 100 dB
Input impedance
Device on
AI+ to AI GND >10 GΩ in parallel with 100 pF
AI- to AI GND >10 GΩ in parallel with 100 pF
Device off
AI+ to AI GND 820 Ω
AI- to AI GND 820 Ω
Input bias current ±100 pA
Crosstalk (at 100 kHz)
Adjacent channels -75 dB
Non-adjacent channels -95 dB
Small signal bandwidth (-3 dB) 1.7 MHz
Input FIFO size 4,095 samples
Scan list memory 4,095 entries
Data transfers
PCI/PCI Express/PXI/PXI Express DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts,
programmed I/O
USB USB Signal Stream, programmed I/O
Overvoltage protection for all analog input and sense channels
Device on ±25 V for up to four AI pins
Device off ±15 V for up to four AI pins
Input current during overvoltage condition ±20 mA maximum/AI pin
Analog Output
Number of channels 4
DAC resolution 16 bits
Monotonicity 16 bit guaranteed
Accuracy Refer to the AO Absolute Accuracy section
Maximum update rate
1 channel 2.86 MS/s
2 channels 2.00 MS/s per channel
3 channels 1.54 MS/s per channel
4 channels 1.25 MS/s per channel
Timing accuracy 50 ppm of sample rate
Timing resolution 50 ns
Output range ±5 V, ±10 V, ±external reference on
APFI <0, 1>
Output coupling DC
Output impedance 0.2 Ω
Output current drive ±5 mA
Overdrive protection ±25 V
Overdrive current 20 mA
Power-on state ±5 mV1
Power-on glitch 1.5 V peak for 1.5 s
Output FIFO size 8,191 samples shared among channels used
Data transfers
PCI/PCI Express/PXI/PXI Express DMA (scatter-gather), interrupts,
programmed I/O
USB USB Signal Stream, programmed I/O
AO waveform modes Non-periodic waveform, periodic waveform
regeneration mode from onboard FIFO,
periodic waveform regeneration from host
buffer including dynamic update
Settling time, full-scale step,
15 ppm (1 LSB)
2 µs
Slew rate 20 V/µs
Glitch energy at midscale transition, ±10 V range
Magnitude 10 mV
Duration 1 µs

Note On earlier versions of the USB-6259 Screw Terminal (part numbers 194021B/C/-0x), the digital I/O characteristics of P0. match the characteristics of PFI . Refer to the November 2006 version of the NI 625x Specifications (part number 371291G-01) for more details.